View on Life

View on Life
A beginning of a new journey

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


im finally safe and dont have to sleep at a train station.
so, instead of going to florence like we planned, we heading to milan instead. what the heck did we go on the wrong train? the conductor just said to get on. why dont they check more throughly. so we got to milan...aka. simliar to NY and everything was booked. i tried to get on the last train back to florence but was too late. it then took 2 hours to try to find a hotel. in the end, we stayed at the train station. we got woken up by police to check out ticket at 1am and then got woken up again at 4am for us to get up. what a drag. no sleep, so tired and when we got to florence today, we couldnt check it because it was to early. we then took advantage of the market and walked around town before taking a power nap at 3. then off into town again to check it some more brand name shopping. im not into fashion as much. i like the much to see. i would like a leather jacket,  purse, boots, wallet... but do i really need it? it would be nice to buy a mask, those beautiful italian mask. its so pretty. should i or shouldnt i??? Any feedback? Im here for a few days.

So tomorrow, im heading on a wine tour. i get to make my own wine. whooohooo....and pick the grapes too. i cant wait. i just hope i dont buy too much wine. i still have to carry it with me.

Siteseeing is quite tiring. especially when you only have two much walking. my legs feel like jello....but whats worth it is when you get to sit and eat, and eat, and eat!!!!

All this food. bread, cheese, meat!!! What more can you ask for!! I do need my fruits and veggies and its cheap here. i got a bag full of fruit for 3 euros. what a deal. but since i spent 100 euros on being fined, then spending 3 euros on fruit isnt that bad.

So, you must be wondering how i can get fined 100 euros.
1. we did not get our eurorail stampped. we thought the conductor does it for us.
2. we did not realize that the train was going to milan. we thought there was a stop.
3. we did not buy the right ticket. it was for 1st class
4. since we did go to milan, we had to go back to florence. we spent 3 euros for the seat booking, thinking that we didnt need to write in the date...FINED again.
So, total fine is 50 euros to Milan and 50E euros to Florence.
This vacation is costing way more than expected. This weeks food allowance has gone down the drain. No more geleto for me. I dont have the funds....anyone want to sponsor me??? hahahah. jk.

None the less, this has been a great experience to learn it the hard way. i know my sister did all the planning last time we traveled. i wish i learned more when i traveled with her. not knowing the language isnt fun.
Italian is very different than German. I was just getting the hang of German and now a new langauge....perhaps i,ll just go back to Germany.

Alright, i think thats enough for now.
More stories to come with pictures. not fun paying for internet....why didnt i bring my laptop??? BECAUSE ITS TOO HEAVY!!! HAHAHAHA